These are the really basic things you need to know before getting started. If you are completely new to light painting, have a look at these videos.

Exposure - Aperture - Iso

In Light Painting the relationship between exposure times, aperture settings and iso sensitivity is (maybe not surprisingly) similar to normal photography. Once you understand how each will effect your Light Painting images, you are ready to start making magic!

Don't Stress About "Noise"

Here's a beauty. We are always told that "noise" is bad! In this short tutorial I show you one of the real benefits of using high ISO and not caring at all about how "noisey" an image is. Remember, it is better to get a mind bending shot, than let fear keep you away!

Movement In Light Painting

A flowing, graceful Light Painting image comes from getting your feet moving. Let's look at some examples, and way I think while moving. I reckon this is also a great fitness method!

Building An Image

As with all of the tutorials I make I think there is real value in walking you through the entire process. The images that didn't work, explaining why and showing you how I adjust to correct. This video is an example of how that will feel. The goal is that you see more the of the execution part in future tutorials, but you will get the idea here.

Creating a Ghost Portrait

Light Painting portraits are always fun. There are literally an unlimited number of ways we can illuminate a human as part of an image and over time we will create many. This is a short, punchy little tutorial on one of those ways.

Model: Brian!

Using a Manual Aperture Lens for Light Painting

Being able to adjust the Aperture during an exposure is such a powerful tool for light painting. In this video we look at a perfect example, a very bright tool, and an ultra dim tool in the same exposure!

Light Painting Portrait Harrison

We are going to create a huge number of portraits. Some incredibly complex, some ultra simple. I hope you love this first one.


