When I get my away from doom scrolling reddit, and I head away looking for inspiration where do I go?

It’s mainly YouTube, and mainly searching for art documentaries. What am I looking for there? In my mind all great art is linked. Ideas, techniques, ideas, processes, facing challenges and working through them.

I figure that great photographers will fall into the genre of art documentaries, and they do, but I normally end up at painters. And this documentary has smashed me on the face. Probably in my top 5 inspirational pieces of art documentary online.

Gerhard Richter blows me away. The variety and breadth of his work boggles my mind. But more importantly, he inspires me to make better work. I see some of his techniques in applying paint, making photographs and seeing light and want to instantly go into the studio and make work.

In DUALITY I explored combining paint and light to make images. This documentary has filled me with ideas I’ll be exploring soon.

At the end of the day photography, light painting, painting with oil, sculpture, it’s all about light. Reflection, shaping, shade, it’s all light.


The Joy Of Light